Until this point in class, you have been manipulating sound with various tools- filters and other envelopes. You haven't actually created your own sound from scratch yet. that changes with Project 5.
To make our first synth, we will use a plugin called PoiZone. Go to Channels-add one PoiZone to see it and hear it.
Sound is made up of waves. things that produce a wave are called oscilators. Poizone has two of them. In class I gave a quick rundown of how Poizone's two oscillators worked. If you missed it, or need a review, check out this quick video.
By the end of this project you should be able to:
1. Mix osc A with osc B
2. Change the wave shape of either oscillator.
3. Mix in noise.
4. Change the pitch of osc B
We also discussed the filter section. You should be able to:
1. Switch the filter type from LP, HP and BP modes.
2. Change the resonance of the cutoff frequency in LP and HP, and in BP mode change the band width of the filter.
3. Use keyboard tracking and velocity tracking to change the way the filter effects low/high and soft/loud.
Finally, we discussed unison mode. You should be able to:
1 Create multiple voices (up to 4.
2. Use detune to widen the unison effect
3. Use unison panning to make the synth spread out in the stereo field.
4. Shift all of the even numbered unison voices up an octave.
For a review of Filters and unison mode, check out this video.
Here's mine:
The opening riff is a default PoiZone in pulse wave mode with a 50% 50% mix of Osc A and B. Osc B is tuned down an octave and a little bit of noise is mixed in to rough up the sound a bit.
I'm using a LP filter with the resonance at about 65% and the velocity tracking all the way up. In the riff that I created in the piano roll, I emphasized the velocity of some of the notes to showcase this feature of the synth. I like how the accented notes get a dramatic filter treatment and the unaccented notes do not.
Unison mode is set to 2 and the unison panning it turned up a bit. Otherwise, it's a default synth.
The other synth which comes in after the 4th repeat is similar in design,but instead of tuning OSC B down an octave, I turned it up 2 octaves and mixed all of the noise out. You will probably notice the pitch automation clip on it and the snare drum with generous amounts of reverb and echo.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Project 4: The mixer, Filters and XY controller
In our last project we used automation clips to fade out the master volume and automate the cutoff frequency of a SVF. We didn't really explore what a filter does in depth- until now. Filters add character to a sound my modulating the frequencies that make up that sound. To wrap your brain around this, you need to understand a few of concepts:
1. Sounds are made up of an array of frequencies. That's what makes your ear able to distinguish between a piano and a flute both playing the same note. The pitch "A" on the piano resonates at 440 cycles per second. Many instruments can play that note. It's the timbre (say "TAM-bur") of the note (the mix of high and low frequencies that accompany the fundamental pitch) that makes it sound the way it does. It is this concept that allows us to make synthesizers.
2. We can play with those frequencies using a filter. I said this before in class, but some things bear repeating. Think of a filter as a sifter (the kind you would play with in a sandbox. When sand enters a sifter, some particles pass through and others do not. A low pass filter will allow low frequencies to pass through and make the sound more rich with low frequencies while holding the high frequencies back.
3. A filter can be set to certain parameters and left alone (like when you make equalizer settings to your stereo at home), or it can be controlled by an automation clip so that the parameters change in real time. Imagine a sifter that had the ability to change the size of the holes while you poured sand through it.
Your assignment
Many of our generators have filters built right into them and in our last project, most of you used the filter on the Simsynth to make your first automation clip. In this project you are going to take that concept a bit further by adding a filter to the mixer, and adding a controller to modulate two parameters at once.
The Fruity Filter:
1.Add the slayer to your step sequencer (Channels- add one- slayer)and write something for it (a simple chopped pattern is fine). Put your pattern in the playlist a few times.
2.In the channel settings for the slayer, route the output to FX channel 1 (It doesn't matter which FX channel you choose- channel 2 will work just as well as channel 1)
3.Open the mixer and select Channel 1 (or whatever channel you routed the slayer to).
4.Using the dropdown menu, add the fruity filter to one of the available 8 slots in the mixer.
5.The mixer window appears. The cutoff frequency is the control that establishes the amount of hig and low frequencies that will pass into the output. If it's all the way to the left, you'll get a lot of lows. If it's all the way to the right, you'll get a lot of highs.
The are are other controls there as well. Skip the resonance control. You can play with it (you won't break anything), but I'll describe it more in depth in another lesson. The low pass establishes the amount of low frequency in the mix, and the high pass establishes the amount of high frequency in the mix. Band pass can be set to allow a specific frequency range to enter the mix. X2 determines the sensitivity of the filter. the greater the value of this parameter, the more intense your filter effect will be.
6. Right click on the cutoff frequency control and select create automation clip. Draw some nodes, and play with the parameters to create your filter effects.
The XY controller
The xy controller is designed to control 2 parameters at the same time. Try this:
1. Add the 3X osc to the step sequencer. Since this is an older generator, so it's presets are not available through the plugin window. You have to access them through the browser. Open the browser, select channel presets and 3X osc. Drag one of them on over.
2. Select the INS tab in the channel settings, and look for the filter tab. You'll see an X and a Y under the filter name.
3. Route the 3X osc to the mixer using the FX output (use a different channel than the one you used for the slayer) and add the Fruity XY controller to one of the available slots in the mixer.
4. Right click on the X parameter and choose link to controller. Select internal controller (an external controller would be your keyboard or a trackball/ joystick), and click accept. Repeat the process for theY parameter (or any other parameter you wish to control- it doesn't have to be X and Y).
5. Now write something for this synth and put it into the playlist.
6. Once you have something written that you are happy with, go to the mixer and click on the XY controller plug in so that it appears on your screen.
7. Next to the play button is the record button. Click on it and select "record automation and score".
8. Click play and move the xy controller in time with your music playback. The computer records your movement and plays it back when you are done.
9. Save your work and post it.
The criteria for your project are simple:
You loop must include at least one instance of the fruity filter in the mixer and one use of the XY contoller in the mixer.
Bonus- add a volume or panning envelope on one of the channels in the step sequencer with an automation clip.
Here's mine:
and my post:
I started with a chopped guitar loop that was one measure long. I repeated it, and transposed it to two other keys to make a 4 bar pattern in the playlist, I added FPC drums from the rock grooves folder, but edited a little bit- there was too much hi-hat in the pattern I selected, so I removed it.
Next, I added the 3xosc with the Rave Lead preset. I matched the starting pitch of this synth to the slayer pitch, but didn't copy the pattern exactly. I came up with a rhythm that went with the slayer rhythm but wasn't an exact copy. I did transpose the 3xosc the same way I transposed the slayer though.
I wanted to keep the writing simple for this because I wanted to showcase the automation of the filters. Anything more complicated would have gotten in the way of the automation. I Used the XY controller on the cutoff frequency tab in the 3xosc on a low pass filter, and I set the Fruity Filter on the slayer (also a Low Pass) to hit the sweet spot of the sound on beat 4 of each measure.
Video Tutorial:
Video Tutorial Part 2
1. Sounds are made up of an array of frequencies. That's what makes your ear able to distinguish between a piano and a flute both playing the same note. The pitch "A" on the piano resonates at 440 cycles per second. Many instruments can play that note. It's the timbre (say "TAM-bur") of the note (the mix of high and low frequencies that accompany the fundamental pitch) that makes it sound the way it does. It is this concept that allows us to make synthesizers.
2. We can play with those frequencies using a filter. I said this before in class, but some things bear repeating. Think of a filter as a sifter (the kind you would play with in a sandbox. When sand enters a sifter, some particles pass through and others do not. A low pass filter will allow low frequencies to pass through and make the sound more rich with low frequencies while holding the high frequencies back.
3. A filter can be set to certain parameters and left alone (like when you make equalizer settings to your stereo at home), or it can be controlled by an automation clip so that the parameters change in real time. Imagine a sifter that had the ability to change the size of the holes while you poured sand through it.
Your assignment
Many of our generators have filters built right into them and in our last project, most of you used the filter on the Simsynth to make your first automation clip. In this project you are going to take that concept a bit further by adding a filter to the mixer, and adding a controller to modulate two parameters at once.
The Fruity Filter:
1.Add the slayer to your step sequencer (Channels- add one- slayer)and write something for it (a simple chopped pattern is fine). Put your pattern in the playlist a few times.
2.In the channel settings for the slayer, route the output to FX channel 1 (It doesn't matter which FX channel you choose- channel 2 will work just as well as channel 1)
3.Open the mixer and select Channel 1 (or whatever channel you routed the slayer to).
4.Using the dropdown menu, add the fruity filter to one of the available 8 slots in the mixer.
5.The mixer window appears. The cutoff frequency is the control that establishes the amount of hig and low frequencies that will pass into the output. If it's all the way to the left, you'll get a lot of lows. If it's all the way to the right, you'll get a lot of highs.
The are are other controls there as well. Skip the resonance control. You can play with it (you won't break anything), but I'll describe it more in depth in another lesson. The low pass establishes the amount of low frequency in the mix, and the high pass establishes the amount of high frequency in the mix. Band pass can be set to allow a specific frequency range to enter the mix. X2 determines the sensitivity of the filter. the greater the value of this parameter, the more intense your filter effect will be.
6. Right click on the cutoff frequency control and select create automation clip. Draw some nodes, and play with the parameters to create your filter effects.
The XY controller
The xy controller is designed to control 2 parameters at the same time. Try this:
1. Add the 3X osc to the step sequencer. Since this is an older generator, so it's presets are not available through the plugin window. You have to access them through the browser. Open the browser, select channel presets and 3X osc. Drag one of them on over.
2. Select the INS tab in the channel settings, and look for the filter tab. You'll see an X and a Y under the filter name.
3. Route the 3X osc to the mixer using the FX output (use a different channel than the one you used for the slayer) and add the Fruity XY controller to one of the available slots in the mixer.
4. Right click on the X parameter and choose link to controller. Select internal controller (an external controller would be your keyboard or a trackball/ joystick), and click accept. Repeat the process for theY parameter (or any other parameter you wish to control- it doesn't have to be X and Y).
5. Now write something for this synth and put it into the playlist.
6. Once you have something written that you are happy with, go to the mixer and click on the XY controller plug in so that it appears on your screen.
7. Next to the play button is the record button. Click on it and select "record automation and score".
8. Click play and move the xy controller in time with your music playback. The computer records your movement and plays it back when you are done.
9. Save your work and post it.
The criteria for your project are simple:
You loop must include at least one instance of the fruity filter in the mixer and one use of the XY contoller in the mixer.
Bonus- add a volume or panning envelope on one of the channels in the step sequencer with an automation clip.
Here's mine:
and my post:
I started with a chopped guitar loop that was one measure long. I repeated it, and transposed it to two other keys to make a 4 bar pattern in the playlist, I added FPC drums from the rock grooves folder, but edited a little bit- there was too much hi-hat in the pattern I selected, so I removed it.
Next, I added the 3xosc with the Rave Lead preset. I matched the starting pitch of this synth to the slayer pitch, but didn't copy the pattern exactly. I came up with a rhythm that went with the slayer rhythm but wasn't an exact copy. I did transpose the 3xosc the same way I transposed the slayer though.
I wanted to keep the writing simple for this because I wanted to showcase the automation of the filters. Anything more complicated would have gotten in the way of the automation. I Used the XY controller on the cutoff frequency tab in the 3xosc on a low pass filter, and I set the Fruity Filter on the slayer (also a Low Pass) to hit the sweet spot of the sound on beat 4 of each measure.
Video Tutorial:
Video Tutorial Part 2
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Project 3: Automation
In this assignment, you need to create a loop that utilizes an automation clip for a parameter of any channel, and a fade out on the master volume at the end. It sounds more complicated that it actually is. Here's how it works:
1. Come up with a drum pattern (you can use FPC or write one from scratch), and add the SimSynth to your step sequencer (Channels, add one, SimSynth). Note- you can use any synth plug in, but for this project, I'd like to keep everyone using the same one for simplicity in getting going.
2. While you are looking at the channel settings of the SimSynth, hover the mouse over one of the controls in the SVF (State Variable Filter- more on that in another lesson) section. If that parameter can take an automation clip, the status window (upper left corner of the screen) will show a red dot.
3. Play a note on the keyboard and turn one of the knobs in the SVF section (I used the cutoff frequency). Notice the change in sound? We can automate the motion that you are doing with your mouse using the automation function in FL Studio.
4. In the piano roll, put in a long note (the same way you did for the chop project). Then go to the drop down arrow in the upper left of the piano roll window and choose tools chop like you did in the last project. Note, you could also use the riff machine. The riff machine is a lot like the chop tool, but fancier. When you get a riff that you like, hit the accept button, close the piano roll and put the new pattern in the playlist along with your drums. you could also write something from scratch in the piano roll. It's up to you.
5. Now open up the SimSynth controls in the step sequencer and select the parameter that you were tweaking in step 3. Right click the parameter and select "Create automation clip". The clip will appear in the playlist on the top.
6. You can tweak this by right clicking on the line in the clip and creating handles so that you can change the shape of the clip. Tweak away (and be sure you are in song mode) while you are listening. Also observe that the parameter control on the SimSynth plug in will move by itself according to your clip's shape.
7. For a finishing touch, create an automation clip on the master volume control to make your loop fade out.
6. Post as usual. Here' s mine: (note, your post should be this descriptive. Notice I didn't say "Here's my loop. I hope you like it!" because that's lame.
For pattern 1 I used with the FPC set to Ambient Beat #1. I used this throughout my loop. Next I put the SymSynth through the riff machine and found a 4 bar pattern that I liked for pattern 2. I used the clone selected command and transposed the same pattern down a step for pattern 3. Finally I added a bass sound from the Sytrus, and I set it to double the first notes of the symsynth. I added the bass line to patterns 2 and 3.
For the automation, I selected the cutoff frequency parameter on the SVF section of the symsynth. I like the way it sounds when it's set really low, but I wanted the first few seconds of my pattern to be with no automation so I started the clip with the control in the middle, then dropped it at a steep curve after a few seconds. I brought it up to midway, the made it come down again but at a much softer slope.
I added a slow fade on the master volume at the end to coincide with the soft slope of the final controller tweak.
Here's a video tutorial:
1. Come up with a drum pattern (you can use FPC or write one from scratch), and add the SimSynth to your step sequencer (Channels, add one, SimSynth). Note- you can use any synth plug in, but for this project, I'd like to keep everyone using the same one for simplicity in getting going.
2. While you are looking at the channel settings of the SimSynth, hover the mouse over one of the controls in the SVF (State Variable Filter- more on that in another lesson) section. If that parameter can take an automation clip, the status window (upper left corner of the screen) will show a red dot.
3. Play a note on the keyboard and turn one of the knobs in the SVF section (I used the cutoff frequency). Notice the change in sound? We can automate the motion that you are doing with your mouse using the automation function in FL Studio.
4. In the piano roll, put in a long note (the same way you did for the chop project). Then go to the drop down arrow in the upper left of the piano roll window and choose tools chop like you did in the last project. Note, you could also use the riff machine. The riff machine is a lot like the chop tool, but fancier. When you get a riff that you like, hit the accept button, close the piano roll and put the new pattern in the playlist along with your drums. you could also write something from scratch in the piano roll. It's up to you.
5. Now open up the SimSynth controls in the step sequencer and select the parameter that you were tweaking in step 3. Right click the parameter and select "Create automation clip". The clip will appear in the playlist on the top.
6. You can tweak this by right clicking on the line in the clip and creating handles so that you can change the shape of the clip. Tweak away (and be sure you are in song mode) while you are listening. Also observe that the parameter control on the SimSynth plug in will move by itself according to your clip's shape.
7. For a finishing touch, create an automation clip on the master volume control to make your loop fade out.
6. Post as usual. Here' s mine: (note, your post should be this descriptive. Notice I didn't say "Here's my loop. I hope you like it!" because that's lame.
For pattern 1 I used with the FPC set to Ambient Beat #1. I used this throughout my loop. Next I put the SymSynth through the riff machine and found a 4 bar pattern that I liked for pattern 2. I used the clone selected command and transposed the same pattern down a step for pattern 3. Finally I added a bass sound from the Sytrus, and I set it to double the first notes of the symsynth. I added the bass line to patterns 2 and 3.
For the automation, I selected the cutoff frequency parameter on the SVF section of the symsynth. I like the way it sounds when it's set really low, but I wanted the first few seconds of my pattern to be with no automation so I started the clip with the control in the middle, then dropped it at a steep curve after a few seconds. I brought it up to midway, the made it come down again but at a much softer slope.
I added a slow fade on the master volume at the end to coincide with the soft slope of the final controller tweak.
Here's a video tutorial:
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Project 2: Chop and Transpose
The chop tool can take a single note and break it up into a bunch of different pre-set patterns. Try this:
1. Select a generator that will produce a sustained pitch (not a drum) and drop it into the step sequencer.
2. Open the piano roll for that instrument (I used the slayer, channels, add one, slayer) and enter in a long note.
3. In the upper left hand corner of the piano roll window, there is a small icon that looks like a piano keyboard. Select it and from the drop down menu select tools, then chop.
4. Viola! Your note has been chopped into segments. Click on the check mark to accept the changes to your note and give it a listen.
5. So you're not impressed. Fine. Go to the piano roll window again and repeat step 3 (or use the keyboard shortcut Alt u) and select a different pattern from the pattern folder. There are hundreds to choose from. From this window you can also dial the time mul controller to change the population of notes in your window.
The same pattern played over and over again can cause brain damage if you're not careful. Beware of monotony. :-) To add some variation, transpose your pattern like this:
1. In the step sequencer, select the channel with the loop you wish to transpose, and copy it (Right click the channel name, Edit, Copy).
2. Select an empty pattern in the step sequencer, and edit, paste.
3. Now you have the exact same musical pattern in two separate step sequencer patterns.
4. Open the piano roll in one of them, and from the keyboard icon, choose edit, transpose (up or down- doesn't matter) or use the keyboard shortcut- shift, arrow keys.
Your assignment is to create a loop that utilizes the chop tool and the transpose function. form is up to you, but it must be organized in some way- be sure to mention the form in your post.
You will be assessed on your:
1. Use of the chop tool
2. Use of the transpose function
3. Use of drums and bass
4. Descriptive post (see sample post below).
Here's my example and sample post:
I started out with my favorite drum sounds from the RealDrumKits tab in the browser and wrote an up tempo rock beat. Then I added the slayer plug in and cranked up the distortion (double coil pickup setting too. The chop tool gave me this pattern (trance 6) and I went with it. I added some effect (chorus on the slayer) and that gave me the main riff.
I used the chop tool again on a bass sound (also in the slayer plug in), and found that the two rhythms fit together nicely.
I used the transpose function to change the pitch of the bass and guitar sounds to create an 8 measure pattern, and then layered a melody on top of that pattern with a piano sound (I'm not sure if I really like the piano sound, but I do like the melody).
The for has a 2 measure introduction followed by a statement of the transposed 8 measure sequence in the bass, drums and guitar. That section repeats, but on the repeat, the piano comes in. Then there's an interlude where I used the chop tool again on one note (F), but I wasn't totally happy with the pattern it gave me, so I edited it a little in the piano roll and made the last two hits long. There is a drum breakdown section too. It's all FPC stuff. The song ends with a fade out on the original chop pattern.
1. Select a generator that will produce a sustained pitch (not a drum) and drop it into the step sequencer.
2. Open the piano roll for that instrument (I used the slayer, channels, add one, slayer) and enter in a long note.
3. In the upper left hand corner of the piano roll window, there is a small icon that looks like a piano keyboard. Select it and from the drop down menu select tools, then chop.
4. Viola! Your note has been chopped into segments. Click on the check mark to accept the changes to your note and give it a listen.
5. So you're not impressed. Fine. Go to the piano roll window again and repeat step 3 (or use the keyboard shortcut Alt u) and select a different pattern from the pattern folder. There are hundreds to choose from. From this window you can also dial the time mul controller to change the population of notes in your window.
The same pattern played over and over again can cause brain damage if you're not careful. Beware of monotony. :-) To add some variation, transpose your pattern like this:
1. In the step sequencer, select the channel with the loop you wish to transpose, and copy it (Right click the channel name, Edit, Copy).
2. Select an empty pattern in the step sequencer, and edit, paste.
3. Now you have the exact same musical pattern in two separate step sequencer patterns.
4. Open the piano roll in one of them, and from the keyboard icon, choose edit, transpose (up or down- doesn't matter) or use the keyboard shortcut- shift, arrow keys.
Your assignment is to create a loop that utilizes the chop tool and the transpose function. form is up to you, but it must be organized in some way- be sure to mention the form in your post.
You will be assessed on your:
1. Use of the chop tool
2. Use of the transpose function
3. Use of drums and bass
4. Descriptive post (see sample post below).
Here's my example and sample post:
I started out with my favorite drum sounds from the RealDrumKits tab in the browser and wrote an up tempo rock beat. Then I added the slayer plug in and cranked up the distortion (double coil pickup setting too. The chop tool gave me this pattern (trance 6) and I went with it. I added some effect (chorus on the slayer) and that gave me the main riff.
I used the chop tool again on a bass sound (also in the slayer plug in), and found that the two rhythms fit together nicely.
I used the transpose function to change the pitch of the bass and guitar sounds to create an 8 measure pattern, and then layered a melody on top of that pattern with a piano sound (I'm not sure if I really like the piano sound, but I do like the melody).
The for has a 2 measure introduction followed by a statement of the transposed 8 measure sequence in the bass, drums and guitar. That section repeats, but on the repeat, the piano comes in. Then there's an interlude where I used the chop tool again on one note (F), but I wasn't totally happy with the pattern it gave me, so I edited it a little in the piano roll and made the last two hits long. There is a drum breakdown section too. It's all FPC stuff. The song ends with a fade out on the original chop pattern.
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